
Friday, December 30, 2011

Achieving Goals

Every year, millions of people will embark on a new journey to set New Year’s Resolutions.  Organizations will set new strategic goals.  Also, every year people and companies will both FAIL… again!

One key reason is that most people and organizations, have never established their core values, written a mission or vision statement.  As an individual, if you don’t know what your values are, then it is hard to get passionate about new goals.  As an organization, if your people don’t have a clue what your mission is then it is difficult for them to get engaged around your new company goals.  Consider reading a previous post titled, The 5 Stages of Performance Improvement.

It is important to re-visit your list of values, mission, vision and goals often.  If you don’t, it is easy to fall off track.  If you visit them too late, it may be difficult to achieve the goal.  Overtime, you and your people will lose confidence in themselves and in you as a leader.  Remember, at the end of the day, the success or failure of an organization depends on its leaders. 

Are you inspiring trust in the teams that you lead?  Are you executing your goals with precision year after year?  Are you unleashing the talent of the people that you have hired?  If the answer was “No” to any one of those questions, then consider making one of your goals to meet with your Client Partner in January of 2012.  I imagine you’ll be pleasantly surprised as to how FranklinCovey can help you create Predictable Results the coming year and beyond.

To your success in 2012!


John Vakidis
Associate Client Partner | FranklinCovey

PS - Do you lead an organization of at least 150 people?  If so, consider being my guest at our upcoming showcase, Creating a Culture of Execution on Feb 7th in Dallas.

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