
Friday, February 17, 2012

Speed of Trust Results

Yesterday, I attended a keynote with over 100 DFW leaders to hear best-selling author, Stephen M.R. Covey deliver his message on Leading at the Speed of Trust.  Stephen started the morning with his story about how he went fly fishing several years ago.  He explained how he couldn’t see the fish in the stream until he put on a pair of polarized sunglasses.  Once he had them on, he could see fish… a lot of fish.  He related this to trust in the simple explanation of our paradigms.  Trust is everywhere.  Until we “put on the glasses to see it”, we might not see it either.  Watch the video below narrated by Stephen for a further explanation.

During yesterday’s keynote, participants got to sample our Speed of Trust Cards that we use when delivering training for clients (see samples below).  These cards provide a detailed description of The 4 Cores of Credibility and the 13 Behaviors of a High Trust Leader.  They set clear definitions for each of the cores and behaviors.  They also define the counterfeits for each behavior so that participants can recognize the difference.

When our clients apply The Speed of Trust Process to their organization and make it a part of their culture, they typically see Spectacular Results!  We have several client testimonials, but one of the most well-known client videos we have is from Frito Lay. 
Frito Lay has trained well over 40,000 employees over the last 5 years with this content and has made our Speed of Trust Process part of the way they do business.  They have used this process not only with employees and leaders, but with their external partners, too. 
Clients are using this process to help in a variety of ways:
·         Increase Employee Engagement
·         Improving Mergers and Acquisitions (pre and post)
·         Enable Change Management
·         and more …
If you are interested in learning more about the Speed of Trust Jobs to Be Done and how this PROCESS might impact your business, I suggest setting up a 30-minute call with your FranklinCovey Client Partner.  Consider using the Meeting Request Calendar on the top right of this page or contact me directly.
For those of you in charge of training, consider joining us for a webinar on n February 23rd.  We will be discussing more client results like Frito Lay.  CLICK HERE to learn more and register now.
Remember this… “Nothing is as fast as The Speed of Trust.” - Stephen M.R. Covey
Your trusted partner,
John Vakidis
PS - Follow this link to download an executive book summary of The Speed of Trust.

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